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The Greatest Treasure
Leaders form
Register NOW

HOLYground, NEM, Northland Evangelical Movement, youth camp, kids camp, childrens camp, mission, Christian Camping, Parua Bay Christian Youth Haven

Join us to serve on an unforgettable adventure where every moment is a chance to discover the greatest treasure of all - God's love! This Easter, we will embark on an exciting treasure hunt that reveals not only hidden treasures in the world around us but also the incredible truth that we are God's precious treasure.

These camps are run by our amazing team of volunteer staff. As Christians, we believe in sharing God's love with the world. One of the things that this means for our amazing camp team is blessing the children and families of Northland with a loving, safe and exciting camp space out at Parua Bay.

These camps have run for over 50 years, with a legacy of young people growing in confidence and depth of character while out in the beauty of our campground haven.

We are planning an action packed programme of water sports, games, fun, great food, friends, singing and learning together.

​We are really excited to see you at camp and we know it’s going to be epic.

Registrations are limited so don't leave it too late!

Easter kids camp leaders ages 13+ dates: ​

Arrival Time: 

6pm 17th of April

Pickups from 5pm are available – limited rides available from Whangarei city area​

Departure Time: 

7pm 21st of April

Drop offs from 6:30pm are available – limited rides available to Whangarei city area

How much does it cost?
$80 per person 
If money is an issue, there are sponsored spaces available that we would love to give away
If you are interested, please send an email to

Payment details will be sent to you once your place at camp is confirmed.

If you would like to sponsor another person to come to camp please follow the link HERE to our donations page. 


Need a ride?

If you are unable to get transport to/from camp, our volunteers may be able to pick up/drop off a limited number of campers from within Whangarei city. Please indicate on the registration form if you need transport, and be ready at the address provided from 3pm. Please advise us if no longer needing a ride to save a wasted trip.


​How to apply:


1. Complete online registration form below

 If circumstances change after you've completed the form, please let us know so your spot can go to someone else on the waiting list.

2. If you have never been a leader at HOLYground before, please send to

  • A 1/2-1 page testimony (tell us about where you are at on your faith journey - what God has done and is doing in your life)

  • A short explanation for why you would like to come to camp

  • A few thoughts around what the term 'servant leadership' means and looks like to you

  • Please download the First Time Leaders Referee Form from the website, ask a youth leader/pastor/teacher/employer to complete

3. Only if 18+​!!!   Most important: If you have not done so in the past 3 years for HOLYground, you will need to complete section 2 and 3 of  a police check form, and email it to You will also need to complete verification of identity as described in the form (bring photo ID to camp). Please note these checks can take up to 6 weeks to process, and you can't come unless the result is through, so apply early!!!!

We reserve the right to decline any applicants who do not submit required documentation with sufficient time for reference and police checks to be completed prior to camp.

4. Approach someone to be your prayer partner (someone who will pray for you while you serve at camp – other than your parents!)​

A registration confirmation email will be sent to the address provided to acknowledge if you have been accepted to lead at camp or not - please follow up if you haven't heard from us within a week. Please know that leadership positions at camp are limited, and not simply on a first-in first-served basis, although early applications are very much appreciated!!

What should you bring to camp?

- Old clothes including something warm

- Closed-in shoes (for health and safety in the kitchen and in the bush)

- Footwear to protect your feet while on the beach

- Sleeping bag or blankets, sheet, pillow (mattresses are provided) 

- Sunhat and towel

- Togs– Please bring both shorts and a shirt for water sports (both girls AND guys).

- Personal toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste), any required medication (with instructions for use)

- Bible if you have one

- Baking for the kitchen (nothing with nuts please)

Please label your stuff - it makes it much easier to work out whose is whose if things get mixed up!!

While we try to cater for a range of dietary needs, it is very helpful if those with particularly restrictive requirements are able to support our hard-working cooks by supplying some of their own food. Please indicate any dietary needs at registration, and if these are complex we will give you a call to discuss the planned menu.

Contacting us or your young person during camp: 

Please be aware that the camp email account may not be regularly checked during camp, but we will let you know the camp contact number once your young person has been accepted to attend camp, incase you need to get hold of them or a staff member while camp is underway.



We need your help to make our camp a friendly and safe ‘haven’ that’s fun for all of us!!! At camp we aim for there to be no swearing, bullying, fighting, name-calling, threatening, stealing or lying. Please leave bad attitudes, expensive or electronic equipment (ipads, electronic games, cameras), money, and junk food all at home – we can’t take responsibility for them if they go missing. You will survive without them for a few days! Also, while it goes without saying, please don't bring knives or weapons, drugs, alcohol, vapes, cigarettes or lighters/matches of any sort to camp.

We require all phones to be handed in at the start of camp. These will be kept safe and given back at the end of camp or for necessary contact.

Please speak with staff if you have any worries during camp. Please be aware that anyone who is impacting negatively on others’ experience may be asked to return home.

Want to find out more?

Email us at

To register, please apply below!

Email confirmation will be made within a few days of receiving your application.  

 If circumstances change after you've registered, please let us know so your spot can go to someone else on the waiting list.

All personal data is managed in accordance with our privacy policy which you can access here.

Leaders and Volunteers Application  Form

If aged <16 years, please have a parent/guardian complete this with you.

Any special medical needs?
Do you need a ride to/from camp?
Applicant to read and sign below: To help this camp run smoothly I understand that I need to co-operate and be enthusiastic, ensuring that my words, attitudes and behaviours reflect the love of Christ. In registering, I am expressing my desire to see Jesus honoured in all areas of camp life, and my willingness to abide by camp rules. I accept the authority of those in positions of leadership. I understand that I may be sent home if I am unable to follow camp rules or am impacting negatively on others experience.

Thanks for applying to serve at camp! We will be in touch to confirm your place.

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